How to declutter your home
Decluttering your home is taxing both physically and emotionally, so it’s best to set yourself small goals to start with so you don’t become overwhelmed and less likely to continue.
When you have the time, set aside an hour or two, whatever you can dedicate to the task without being interrupted. Grab some garbage bags and head to an area of your home that you know needs attention. Every time you pick up an item ask yourself these questions:
Do you love it? (Or as Marie Kondo™ would say, does it spark joy?)
When was the last time you wore or used it?
Are you going to wear or use it again?
Next – allocate it:
If it’s in good condition however it no longer serves a purpose in your home or life – put it in a bag to donate or sell.
If it’s worn out or broken - put it in a bag to throw.
If you still wear it, use it or it brings you joy – then put it in a pile to keep.
Once you’ve asked yourself these questions a few times it’ll become obvious with each item you pick up which bag it needs to go into. Continue this until you’re satisfied the area has been completely decluttered. This could take a few hours or a few days or weeks. It doesn’t matter as long as you don’t give up!
When you’ve finished, remove all rubbish, post items for sale online straight away and put all items that don’t belong in this space where they should go. You should only be left with items that belong in the current room or area that you are in.